Duosion Pokédex 0578 & Card List with Images


Duosion Pokédex Information

Duosion is a Psychic type Pokémon that first appeared in the games Pokémon Black and White which released in Japan on September 18th 2010. It evolves from Solosis and evolves to Reuniclus.

This Pokémon is encased in a green bubble. It is a light green character based on cells and is comprised of a sphere with a protrusion at the bottom. It has a red diamond in the middle and two black eyes either side. Its psychic power can supposedly cover a range of more than half a mile—but only if its two brains can agree with each other.



Duosion Pokédex Facts
Duosion Pokédex Entries
TCG Cards


Duosion Pokédex Facts

Duosion Pokédex

English Name – Duosion
Japanese Name – Daburan
First Appearance – 2010 (Pokémon Black and White)
Based on – Cell
Generation – V
Pokédex Number – 0578
Category – Cell
Height – 0.6 m
Weight – 8 kg
Gender – Male or Female
Type – Psychic
Weakness – Bug, Dark, Ghost
Special Ability – Magic Guard, Overcoat


Duosion Evolutions

EvolutionSolosis evolves to Duosion (level 32); evolves to Reuniclus (level 41)

SolosisSolosis Evolution ArrowLevel 32 Duosion EvolutionDuosion
Evolution Arrow
Level 41
Reuniclus EvolutionReuniclus


Duosion Pokédex Entries / Games

Pokémon Black and White  2010
Black 2 and White 2  2012
Pokémon X and Y  2014   
Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire  2015 
Sword and Shield  2019


Duosion Card List – (scroll to bottom for gallery view)

Black and White Base Set 2011
56/114 DuosionStage – 1
HP –  60
Speciality – None
Card Number – 56/114

BW Noble Victories 2011
51/101 DuosionStage – 1
HP –  60
Speciality – None
Card Number – 51/101

BW Plasma Blast 2013
43/101 DuosionStage – 1
HP –  60
Speciality – None
Card Number – 43/101

BW Legendary Treasures 2013
75-113 DuosionStage – 1
HP –  60
Speciality – None
Card Number – 75/113

XY Fates Collide 2016
34/124 DuosionStage – 1
HP –  60
Speciality – None
Card Number – 34/124

SWSH Silver Tempest 2022
077/195 DuosionStage – 1
HP –  70
Speciality – None
Card Number – 077/195

SV Temporal Forces 2024
071/162 DuosionStage – 1
HP –  80
Speciality – None
Card Number – 071/162


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56/114 Duosion
51/101 Duosion
43/101 Duosion
75-113 Duosion
34/124 Duosion
077/195 Duosion
071/162 Duosion
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